Strong winds might seem like a minor inconvenience, but for your bug hotel’s tenants, it’s like a stormy night at a luxury resort.
Wind can drastically reduce the efficiency of foraging insects, turning their quest for food into an uphill battle. Much like hotel guests reluctant to venture outside during bad weather, bees and other insects hesitate to take flight in windy conditions. Gusts disrupt their delicate flight paths, making it harder to navigate and increasing the energy cost of every journey. The result? Fewer visits to flowers and a dip in pollination productivity.
To keep your bug hotel buzzing with activity, consider placing it in a sheltered location. Shielding your hotel from high winds ensures your guests can take off with confidence, find their nectar destinations, and return safely to their cozy suites.
A calm environment isn’t just about comfort—it’s key to making your bug hotel a true five-star retreat.
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Morgan Todhunter